Orientation to the New

The past few weeks have been a blur. Imagine, if you can, what the headlines might read if we published a daily newsletter of first weeks here in Singapore, as members of OMF’s Orientation Course. Norovirus sweeps thru the ranks

We’ve arrived!

On Monday around noon local time, we arrived after a 19 hour flight (with a layover in-between). Immediately we were drenched in the heat and humidity of the tropics as we left the airport. We are now in the midst

…and the beginning of Next Steps! We are here to testify that the people of God have remained steady in prayer and the Lord has answered our shared petitions for partners. Since it is a holiday weekend here, we will

40 days ago we started a focused time of being on our knees before the Lord. On our knees, because we ARE needy. On our knees, because it symbolizes submission to our Lord. On our knees, because a great cloud

Can you feel it? Can you taste it? Can you believe it? The Lord has been so gentle, loving, and patient with us. He has taken Eunice, a person with very little faith (but told I only need faith the