Two by Twos (a Covid-19 short story)

Have all the changing rules about Covid-19 gotten you confused? Is your mind muddled about what you can do where, when, with whom, and how frequently? The Ministry of Health is here to help:

I’ve selected two of the more than 20 infographics (x 8 when you realize that you can get them as jpeg or pdf or in any of the 4 official languages used here in Singapore) to review here for your convenience.

Official Ministry of Health poster Official Ministry of Health poster

No inter-minglimg sign
Publicly displayed sign. PC: Au

And then, of course, there is the usual no loitering sign – with a Covid twist: no inter-mingling.

I’ll admit, at times, it has been challenging!

But today, a totally, unexpected, but most welcome surprise awaited Au and me as we walked into church.

We were told we could sit next to each other. My mouth dropped open in surprise – no one noticed, I was wearing a mask – I smiled, and then I did a little dance. After months of being separated in the pew at a one-meter distance. we were now being encouraged to sit beside each other.

And then, we saw others get the same surprise, too, as they were also invited to sit with a friend. There, right before our own eyes, we saw them choose an aisle, enter and sit, “two by two.”