In sharing stories of good news this past month, Au and I were encouraged by the honesty of a young friend named David. He shared that our story examples didn’t really sound like good news to him. We appreciated his

Check out this story below. If you are Gen Z, I REALLY want to hear your opinion of it, especially if you identify with a shame-honor worldview. (Find your worldview here: There was this guy who had two sons.

For the past six weeks, Au and I have been pondering … What makes the good news good, really? Why do some not hear the Good News as good news? Does the good news go in one ear and out

“I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy.” 2 Tim 1:4 Our regular readers know that we are two Americans sent to Singapore to support OMF’s work of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in

This month, I celebrate my sixth anniversary of moving to Singapore to begin working with OMF with Au. While we’ve been here, we’ve found much to love, enjoy, and celebrate. But the thing that causes me to stare with wonder