Have you heard about the Hudson Taylor Movie? It is being created to encourage and challenge young lives globally, by sparking a hunger for God and His purposes to be first in their lives.
Based on the true-life story of Hudson and Maria Taylor, the movie is one of hope and perseverance despite seemingly impossible obstacles and heartbreak. Arriving in Shanghai, China in 1853, Hudson Taylor dreams of bringing help to the people there. Instead, he quickly learns that he is ill-prepared and must find his way around a new and unfamiliar culture. Experience his story of discovering friendship and trust with Maria and the Chinese people. The story unfolds amidst a tapestry of cultural, ideological, and political conflicts between the East and the West.
Next week, Eunice will be part of the Zoom hosting team as we pray across global time zones – that the Lord would accomplish His purposes for this movie AND that together we might recommit ourselves to His work, knowing that “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” Please pray especially for her as this will be her first time providing Zoom support on a call where all the speaking will be done in Mandarin! (Eunice has a friend who will translate specific instructions into English in her private chats to Eunice.)
This prayer call will be held on Zoom, on November 3rd at 9 AM and again at 9 PM Singapore time. Here’s a chart of other corresponding time zones from East Asia to the Americas to Europe and Africa. If you understand Mandarin and would like to join us, reach out to me and I’ll share the link with you.
We are approaching other mission organizations and ministries about the opportunity to leverage the movie and collateral tools. If you’d like to know more, please visit https://www.halfcrownmedia.com/the-movie-project/
Please remember to pray with us for the Lord’s work done His way as we walk by faith in the production and release of this new movie.