Can you feel it? Can you taste it? Can you believe it?
The Lord has been so gentle, loving, and patient with us. He has taken Eunice, a person with very little faith (but told I only need faith the size of a mustard seed), and Au, the dreamer of big things, and slowly, over time, drawn us into His plan of proclaiming His Plan for the Nations. He has shown us how administrators, fueled with passion for disciple-making, can be used for kingdom impact. We’ve been challenged to think about global missions in new ways.
Through your prayers and His goodness we are very close to reaching our target date fully funded. But we aren’t quite there yet – we’re at 96%. Will you continue to pray that we’d keep our eyes on Him and that we’d be fully present to see the opportunities He gives us today to radiate His love?
We have a little gif(t) to say thank you for walking (and kneeling) with us these Knee-dy Days of Summer. As we run the race set before us, we anticipate the next stage of our journey.
For today, we ask for prayers for full funding by Monday, 11:59 pm ET, and for precious time with Eunice’s sister while they reminisce and sort family “treasures” at their childhood home in NJ.
Continuing to pray for you both!
Thank you! We appreciate you!
Praying for 100%! You both are a blessing to our family. We learn so much just by watching you.
Thank you! And we are praying for a powerful work being done in the Philippines this fall – work you are laboring towards!
God is great. Monday is more than possible, especially as HE specializes in the impossible. Start packing your bags!
We just got word we are at 97%! Now where are those bags???